How to mix
Steps to use our product.
Steps for the initial version:
Step 1 - Start the bot's menu
Firstly, we need to go to the bot's menu, with the use of the command /menu. Here we will find the following options: Mix, Balance, Withdraw, Holder authentication, and support.
Step 2 - Set your withdrawal address
This one is pretty simple. The bot asks for a withdrawal address, upon received, it checks if its valid, if not, you have 3 tries to send it again. If you fail all of the tries, the process gets restarted. If not, you can move on to step 3.
Step 3- Deposit the funds to be mixed
You are given a deposit wallet address, which you can click/tap to copy. This is your deposit wallet which represents your balance on our tool.
Our tool does NOT require you to connect your wallet or interact with any contract. Once you have sent money to the deposit wallet address, our bot will check for the incoming transaction until it is confirmed, afterwards updating your balance on our database -- which is fully accurate as we are using blockchain live data to check up on it. The only way a balance check would ever fail is if, the blockchain itself failed. Now, that's it! your funds will automatically be sent to the withdrawal address you set.
Steps are for the final version:
Video overview
We have a detailed step-by-step guide down below, however, you can also check out a video overview of our product:
Step 1 - Start the bot's menu
Firstly, we need to go to the bot's menu, with the use of the command /menu. Here we will find the following options: Mix, Balance, Withdraw, Holder authentication, and support.
Step 2 - Deposit the funds to be mixed
You are given a deposit wallet address, which you can click/tap to copy. This is your deposit wallet which represents your balance on our tool.
Our tool does NOT require you to connect your wallet or interact with any contract. Once you have sent money to the deposit wallet address, our bot will check for the incoming transaction until it is confirmed, afterwards updating your balance on our database -- which is fully accurate as we are using blockchain live data to check up on it. The only way a balance check would ever fail is if, the blockchain itself failed.
Step 3 - Check your balance
To make sure the transaction has been processed, go back to the /menu and press "check your balance". Our data is taken from the blockchain, so are our deposits, meaning that your funds are always on safe hands. However, the balance showing on the bot might take a couple of seconds to show up properly. If your balance is correct after having waited a few seconds (up to 36 seconds or 3 ETH blocks), now your next step is to press on the "Withdraw" button, assuming you want to withdraw, or "Deposit", if you want to deposit more. On this case, and for the example's sake on this whitepaper, we will follow the withdraw path.
Step 4 - Set the withdraw address
Before being able to withdraw your funds, you will need a withdraw address.
The withdraw address is the place where you are expecting your money to be sent/mixed away. This is a wallet of your choice, and all it does is receive the money.
Please make sure you have access to the withdraw address as one of your own personal wallets. We are not responsible for your mistakes.
Step 5 - Withdraw your funds
After having followed the steps above, you can simply press the "Withdraw ETH" button, thus causing a withdrawal request on our system. You will be given an estimate time to wait for your withdrawal to be processed. From now on, the process is automatic. You can now enjoy a cup of coffee, and then likely come back to your funds having been mixed.
Last updated